Prerequisites of this Course#

The following arguments will not be covered during the course, therefore the students are invited to document themselves starting from the following indications.

The virtual machine and the Linux Operative System#

The course can be followed on any system with a valid python3 by installing the virtual environment satisfying the following requirements:


For simplicity, in the laboratory the students have access to a virtual machine with the software already set and ready to use without the need of any virtual environment. The instructions on the usage of the virtual machine can be found on the e-learning webpage of the course.

Command-line instructions: the SHELL#

Please find below some refences to the SHELL:

Text editors#

Practical suggestions#

  • add comments to your programs to clearly state what they are meant to

  • structure your working folders efficiently and sensibly

  • do not copy directly the solutions, always try to solve the exercises yourself first, then read the solution and implement them in your code