6. Finding Zeros and Extrema#

6.1. Finding the Zeros of a Function#

  • Numerical techniques exist to find the zeros of a function.

Simple Assumptions

  • Function g(x) is continuous and defined on a compact connected interval [x0, x1]

  • At the interval boundaries, the function values have opposite signs

  • The function has a single zero within the interval

Function with Zero

6.1.1. Bisection Method#

  • The program doesn’t see the function as a whole, so the only way it can determine where the position of a zero is to estimate the function at specific points

  • Given the initial assumptions, the zero of the function is certainly located between two points where the function changes sign between them

  • The bisection technique iteratively narrows down this interval until it becomes smaller than a fixed resolution value Bisection

6.1.2. Implementation of the Bisection Algorithm#

  • At each iteration, the midpoint of the interval containing the zero is calculated, and it’s determined whether the zero lies to its right or to its left

    def bisezione (
        g,              # funzione di cui trovare lo zero
        xMin,           # minimo dell'intervallo          
        xMax,           # massimo dell'intervallo         
        prec = 0.0001): # precisione della funzione        
        Funzione che calcola zeri
        con il metodo della bisezione
        xAve = xMin 
        while ((xMax - xMin) > prec) :
            xAve = 0.5 * (xMax + xMin) 
            if (g (xAve) * g (xMin) > 0.): xMin = xAve 
            else                         : xMax = xAve 
        return xAve 

6.1.3. Recursive Implementation of the Bisection Algorithm#

  • The bisection algorithm repeatedly performs the same operation recursively

  • This behavior can also be implemented in python, by writing a recursive function that calls itself:

    def bisezione_ricorsiva (
        g,              # funzione di cui trovare lo zero  
        xMin,           # minimo dell'intervallo            
        xMax,           # massimo dell'intervallo          
        prec = 0.0001): # precisione della funzione        
        Funzione che calcola zeri
        con il metodo della bisezione ricorsivo
        xAve = 0.5 * (xMax + xMin)
        if ((xMax - xMin) < prec): return xAve ;
        if (g (xAve) * g (xMin) > 0.): return bisezione_ricorsiva (g, xAve, xMax, prec) ;
        else                         : return bisezione_ricorsiva (g, xMin, xAve, prec) ;


In every recursive function, there must be two logical elements:

  • The call to the function itself

  • The exit condition from the sequence of self-calls

6.2. Finding Extremes: The Golden Ratio Method#

Simple Assumptions

  • Function g(x) continuously defined on a compact and connected interval [x0, x1]

  • The function has a single extremum within the interval

Function with Minimum

  • In this case as well, the process proceeds step by step, narrowing the interval at each iteration that contains the extremum until it becomes smaller than a predetermined precision value.

6.2.1. Restriction Criterion#

  • To find the minimum of a function, enough points are needed to understand its slope in different regions of the interval. Hence, four points are sought for, which determine three intervals.

  • The interval is narrowed by eliminating the segment where the minimum is certainly not located. Golden Section Slope

  • The following iteration narrows down to \([x_3,x_1]\) if \(g(x_3) > g(x_2)\), to \([x_0, x_2]\) otherwise.

6.2.2. Optimization of Point Selection#

  • To optimize the calculation, the points \(x_2, x_3\) are chosen in a way that one of them can be used in the subsequent iteration, ensuring the same division ratio of the interval. Golden Ratio Point Selection

  • For this to be possible, the following condition must hold: Golden Section Formula

  • Thus, the iterative process narrows down around the extremum of the function: Golden Section Iteration

6.3. Putting Everything Together#

  • There are many techniques for finding zeros and extrema of functions, which are often the core of data analysis software.

  • A collection of algorithms can be found in the volume numerical recipes

  • In addition to the local problem of performing operations under good regularity conditions, generic algorithms must also find a way to reduce a general problem to simple cases.

    • For instance, in the case of finding minima, algorithms must avoid finding local minima and not identifying the global minimum of a function.

  • The functionality of an algorithm critically depends on the dimension of the function definition space.


  • The examples for the lecture may be found here

  • The exercises for the lecture may be found here